The aircraft pictured below is OO-SYG, of the defunct Belgian airline Sabena. This was taken in Brussels Airport
on 13th September 2001, as the aircraft was being prepared to fly flight SN2177, the 14:45 departure from Brussels to Manchester.
Shortly after the photo was taken, I boarded this aircraft for my last ever flight with Sabena.
Sabena Boeing 737-500 |

OO-SYG photographed in Brussels Airport |
Belgian transport features heavily in my visits to Belgium. From flying to and from the country on Belgian airlines,
to travel inside Belgium on Belgian railways.
The Fokker 50 OO-VLV, pictured below, operated my flight (VG104) between London City and Antwerp on 1st September 2003.
Photographed as the aircraft was being prepared at departure gate 5.
VLM Fokker 50 OO-VLV |

The Fokker 50 of VLM at London City Airport, 1st September 2003 |